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Elementary Student Handbook


The information contained in this handbook will answer many of your questions concerning school policies. Parents will be notified of changes as they occur. Please keep this booklet for later reference. All policies and regulations of the school are made with the safety and welfare of the children in mind.



Grades K through 6

Monday through Friday Doors open at 7:30.  Students are expected to arrive by 8:00.  

Dismissal varies slightly by building due to bus routes.  Students generally dismissed between 2:35 - 2:55



For Grades 5 and 6 - Letter Grades

100% A+ 83-86% B 70-72% C-
94-99% A 80-82% B- 67-69% D+
90-93% A- 77-79% C+ 63-66% D
87-89% B+ 73-76% C 60-62% D-
    Below 60%  F


For Grades K to 4 - The 4 Point Scale

4 Demonstrates understanding above grade level

3 Demonstrates on grade level understanding (THE TARGET)

2 Demonstrates partial understanding 

1 Demonstrates partial understanding with help from teacher

0 Does not demonstrate understanding



Those students entering school for the first time must present a birth certificate, record of immunization or other acceptable medical evidence that the child has been immunized against Dtap - 5 doses, IPV - 4 doses, MMR - 2 doses, Varicella - 2 doses or a signed statement by a health care provider that includes date of the disease, Hepatitis B - 3 doses, Hepatitis A - 2 doses.  Vaccinations required before entering 6th grade are:  Tdap - 1 dose, Meningococcal vaccine - 1 dose Varicella - 2 doses or proof of chickenpox disease, which is a signed statement from the parent including date of disease. Once a child has enrolled it is up to the parents to keep the school informed of changes like phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts, etc.  These changes can be made by going online to our computer software management system.  School websites will be found on the corporation website at



Late opening, early closing, or cancellation of school for any reason (other than regularly scheduled events) will be announced using the automated calling service as well as local radio stations as soon as the decision has been made. PLEASE DO NOT TELEPHONE THE SCHOOL FOR THIS INFORMATION. OUR PHONE LINE NEEDS TO BE KEPT OPEN IN ORDER TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS FROM SCHOOL OFFICIALS. PLEASE PLAN WITH YOUR CHILD WHAT TO DO SHOULD HE/SHE ARRIVE HOME EARLY AND YOU ARE NOT THERE.


Attendance at school is required by state law. Recently IC 20-20-8-8 was amended to define habitual truancy to include students absent ten (10) days or more from school within a school year without being excused or without being absent under a parental request filed with the school. Chronic absenteeism includes students absent from school for ten percent (10 percent) or more of a school year for any reason.

Excused Absences: 

Excused absences are defined as absences that the school corporation regards as legitimate reasons for being out of school, as included in the school policy.


1.   Student is ill and the parent/guardian contacts the school (up to ten days).

2.   Student is sent home by the nurse.

3.   Funerals of non-immediate family member or friend.

4.   Doctor’s appointments.

5.   Pre-arranged absences.

6.   Hospitalization.

7.   Serving as a page in the General Assembly.

8.   School sponsored events.

9.   Administrative suspensions.

10. Working the polls on Election Day with approval.

11. Documented court appearances.

12. Doctor documented extended illnesses.

13. Extenuating circumstances as determined by the administration. 

Unexcused Absences: 

An unexcused absence is any absence not covered under the definition of excused or exempt.  A student is not to be absent more than ten unexcused days per school year.


1.   Truancy-failure to report to school or be in an assigned area without permission.

2.   Oversleeping.

3.   Absence from school without parents contacting school to verify absence.

4.   Leaving school without permission.

5.   No transportation.

6.   Babysitting or caring for a parent.

Exempt Under certain circumstances, the law requires the school to authorize the absence and excuse of a student: serving as a page or honoree of the General Assembly (IC 20-33-2-14 ); serving on the precinct election board or as a helper to a political candidate or party on the day of a municipal, primary or general election (IC 20-33-2- 15); when subpoenaed to testify in court (IC 20-33-2-16); serving with the National Guard for no more than 10 days (IC 20-33-2-17); or serving with the Civil Air Patrol for up to 5 days (IC 20-33-2-17.2), the student is approved for an educationally related non-classroom activity (I.C. 20-33-2-17.5); the student or a member of the student’s household exhibits or participates in the Indiana State Fair for educational purposes (IC 20-33-2- 17.7). In each of these circumstances, the student is excused from school and is not to be recorded as absent, and is not to be penalized in any way by the school. To review this statute in entirety, refer to the Compulsory School Attendance Law. 

While good attendance is essential for success in school, students should not be in attendance when they are sick. Parents must call the school when their child is absent or send a note explaining the reason for the absence upon return. 

The State of Indiana stresses the importance of maximum student attendance. In fact, each Indiana school is evaluated by the attendance rate of its students. The state views an average student attendance rate of 97% as a minimum target. Only in extreme cases should a student miss more than ten days during the school year.  If a student misses more than ten days the Child Protective Services and or probation may be contacted by the school for further investigation.

Absences after ten (10) counts will be marked as unexcused without a doctor’s statement. 

Medical notes must be brought to school no later than two days after the absence.  Backdated medical notes will not be accepted. Students who have reached seven (7) counted absences in one semester without a doctor’s statement will not be eligible to participate in field trips or other extra-curricular activities.



While attendance is important there are some reasons when a child should stay home from school. Following the guidelines of the Daviess County Health Department, some reasons for not attending school are:

1) contagious disease
2) temperature over 100 degrees (may return after 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medicine),
3) Impetigo,
4) Pediculosis (Lice),
5) Conjunctivitis (Pink eye),
6) Tinea (Ringworm). 

Other reasons may include recuperating from surgery or other medical procedures which may render the student immobile or bed fast.

If your student reaches 2 unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to explain the Indiana Compulsory Attendance Law and the consequences for violating the law.

If your student reaches 4 unexcused absences, the parent/guardian will be required to meet with the school administrator and the Daviess County Juvenile Court may be notified.

If your student reaches 7 unexcused absences, he/she will lose extra-curricular privileges.

The Administration retains the right to use discretion in exceptional circumstances.


Students who are tardy or late to class can have a negative impact on their learning.  Students should arrive at school on time.  Students with multiple/excessive tardiness may be subject to disciplinary action ranging from loss of privileges, detention, or up to suspension/expulsion.



If your child is absent from school it is advisable to ask that the teacher prepare the homework assignments. Please give us a full day's notice in order to allow the teacher time to prepare the homework package. In order to protect instructional time, we will not interrupt a classroom to ask a teacher to prepare a homework package. All assignments may be picked up by parents in the school office after student dismissal in the afternoon.

1. All homework should be meaningful and should provide reinforcement activities as well as enrichment activities. The teacher will make every effort to make sure homework assignments are clear and the due date is understood.

2. All homework assignments are due the following day or upon the day of return in the event of school cancellation, of personal illness or any other legitimate excuse. Each teacher will determine the legitimacy of excuses. Extended assignments will be due at a date established by the teacher.

3. Under certain circumstances, the teacher may keep a child in during recess to complete an assignment.

4. Teachers assign homework to meet your child's educational needs.



Students are issued books on the first day of school. Students are expected to keep all of their textbooks in good condition. Badly damaged and lost books will be replaced at the student's expense. Students may qualify for book assistance by filling out an application. The application will be reviewed with guidelines provided by the superintendent's office/State guidelines.



All students shall come to school clean, neat and dressed in a manner conducive to the promotion of personal health and an effective learning environment.  

Under ordinary conditions, boys and girls need to wear clothing to school that is comfortable and age appropriate. Clothing needs to be appropriate in size and should be worn in the correct manner. Jeans, slacks, and shorts are acceptable for both boys and girls as long as they meet those conditions. Apparel or appearances which tend to detract from the purpose of the school will not be permitted.  While it is understood accidents may occur, for health and safety reasons, bodily fluids must be contained.

The principal will reserve the final judgment on the acceptability of personal appearance.

1. Tank tops and short shorts are not acceptable.

2. Low cut and bare midriff outfits are not acceptable.

3. Undergarments shall not be visible.

4. For health and safety reasons the wearing of footies, nylons or socks is recommended.

5.    For health and safety reasons, tennis shoes and/or flats should be worn (Thongs, flip-flops, sandals, heels, etc. are not acceptable.) Toes and heels should not be visible. Tennis shoes are required for PE.

6. Dark glasses are not to be worn in the classroom, unless with a doctor's prescription or permission from the school nurse.

7. Hats shall not be worn in the building.

8.     Extreme fads that tend to disturb or distract other students in the classroom are not acceptable.

9. Clothing or other objects that advertise alcohol, promote drug use, promote bullying or violence, promote inappropriate behavior, have obscenities or are sexually explicit are not permitted.

The school reserves the right to modify the dress code should problems occur. The dress code applies to school, school functions, and field trips unless prior approval is granted.  Parents may be called to bring proper attire to school.



A. Elementary Students

1. As of the 2018-19 school year all elementary students will be served breakfast and lunch at no charge. We will be operating under CEP (Community Eligibility Provision). Add-ons such as extra milk or second trays will incur an ala carte cost.

B. Junior High and High School Students - All Adults

Students and adults are expected to pay cash daily or pay in advance for all food purchases. It is the responsibility of the family to keep their lunch account up to date. Charging can be embarrassing to the students. We encourage the parents/guardians to maintain their child's account throughout the school year.
The Washington Community School Corporation recognizes that on occasion, students may forget to bring meal money to school. To ensure that students do not go hungry, but also to promote responsible student behavior and minimize the fiscal burden to the Food Service Department, the District will enforce the following policies by grade level:


a. Even though we are moving to CEP, any outstanding balances from prior years will still need to be paid, and the collection policy for Washington Schools will continue. Collection procedures will be initiated on all negative balance accounts. If there is no response to letters and after it is judged that the usual methods to collect the money owed the District have failed, then action will be taken to collect in small claims court or turned over to a professional collection agency.
b. No student will be permitted to purchase ala carte items, including additional milk, if they have a deficit in their account. 

2.  SECONDARY SCHOOLS (Grades 7-12):

a. Secondary school students are expected to remain aware of their meal account balance and to bring deposits as necessary. Cashiers remind students daily when their account is low or overdrawn. Students whose account has reached $0.00 or below will not be allowed to purchase meals unless they deposit money in their account or pay for the meal with cash.
b. Students with any negative balance will not be allowed to purchase ala carte items, including milk. If a student still forgets to bring money when needed, s/he must deal with the situation BEFORE going to the cashier with a full tray of food and no money.


Will not be allowed to charge any meals or ala carte items causing their meal account to go into a deficit balance.

Negative Balances 

The Food Service Department is not required by State or Federal law, or by Board policy, to provide a meal at no charge to students. Parents are responsible for all meals charged to their child's account. No A La carte snacks, beverages, or second meals may be charged resulting in a negative balance.

After thirty (30) days of any negative balance, collection procedures will be initiated on all negative balance accounts. If there is no response to letters and after it is judged that the usual methods to collect the money owed the District have failed, then action will be taken to collect in small claims court or turned over to a professional collection agency.


Emergency Meals: (Junior High / High School Only)

An emergency meal is necessary when a student wants a meal but does not have money to pay for it. Elementary and secondary schools have procedures in place to ensure students do not go without a meal as outlined above.

An emergency breakfast consists of graham crackers and milk. An emergency lunch will consist of a peanut butter or cheese sandwich and a carton of milk. The cost of the emergency meals shall be fifty percent (50%) of the cost of a regular school meal. The cost of the emergency meal provided at this rate shall be added to the sum owed by and due from the student.


Parents are encouraged to sign-up for the notification to monitor their child’s account balance through our computer software management system.  This may be accomplished by going to “My Notification Profile” under Café Account.  Daily and/or weekly notices may be sent via text and/or email.



Student insurance will be available to all students at the beginning of each school year. Information will be sent home as soon as we receive it.


The school phone is a business phone and is to be used only for that purpose. No student will be allowed to use the phone unless given permission by the school personnel. A student will not be called out of class to talk on the phone, except in the case of an emergency.


We believe that the safety and security of all our students is one of our most important responsibilities; therefore the following procedures have been established:

All exterior doors to the school will be kept locked at all times.  Visitors will enter and exit only at these designated doors. Students and staff have been instructed to never open a locked door. Students are instructed to move away from the door and contact the nearest adult.

Upon entering the building all visitors will proceed to the office, sign in and obtain an appropriate visitor's pass. The pass shall be worn in a visible manner at all times while on school property. Staff members have been instructed to ask all visitors to return to the office if the pass is not seen.

Students are not permitted to bring guests to school without specific permission from the principal or his/her designee.

Persons wanting to visit during school hours need to make arrangements no less than one week in advance through the school office. The principal may request a criminal background check. No visitor will be able to accompany a student to recess.  Such action may interfere with the ability to supervise all students.

Students will be released only to parents (legal guardians) or persons designated by the parents (legal guardians).

Changes in pick-up procedures must be communicated to the school. Students will not be sent home or allowed to be picked up in a different manner unless the parent or legal guardian has communicated this change to the school.



The board believes that overall safety of K-6 students is best provided during the school day through direct supervision by school personnel, parents, or adults designated by the parents.


1. Students are not to leave school during school hours except in the company of a parent or a responsible person designated by the parents, or as indicated below.

2. Students who live within walking distance of home may be released to go home on their own for lunch upon the parent's approval in writing to the principal.

3. Parents may arrange pick-up of their students for periodic special lunch-time activities upon notification of same to the principal.

4. Otherwise, students are expected to remain at school throughout the school day except for scheduled school trips or activities.

5. Principals may make exceptions to this policy under emergency or extremely unusual circumstances.




Washington Community Schools follows state laws and guidelines for background checks of volunteers working in the school setting and/or after-school activities.



Leaving school without permission is strictly prohibited. Students are not to leave the school grounds for any reason after arriving at school unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. This includes after-school activities.



Support our P.T.O. by joining the organization. The elementary school receives financial support on items that cannot be afforded by the school or the classroom teacher. They help us - let us help them.



Anything not needed for class should be left at home, such as laser pointers, cameras, radios, recorders, skateboards, trading cards, pets, knives, matches, lighters, chewing gum, guns, cigarettes, etc. Toys should not be brought to school unless the teacher gives specific permission for classroom purposes.

Fireworks, tobacco of all types, alcohol and illegal drugs violate state and local laws. Possession, under any circumstances, will be subject to possible suspension and/or expulsion.  A recent state law excludes animals from being in schools.


For safety reasons and to prevent property damage, no persons are permitted to ride skateboards, inline skates, razor scooters, pogo sticks, or other similar devices on school grounds, including parking areas, at any time.  

If a student violates this policy, the device may be confiscated and will be returned to the parent/guardian by administration. 



Balloons, flowers, stuffed toys or any type of gift or award should not be sent to school. These items are distractions in the classroom and on the school bus. If they are received at school they will be kept in the office and the parent will be requested to pick them up.



School personnel try to prevent losses, but they are not responsible for students’ personal property. Large amounts of money or valuables should not be brought to school.



We do realize a need to transport items to and from school; therefore, approved backpacks will be allowed. However, large over the shoulder duffel bags have become a problem, both in the classroom (lockers) and on the bus. We ask you not to bring these to school. We would further ask that backpacks be worn as prescribed and not carried. This would help prevent accidents and would also help avoid losing them. Any large bags deemed inappropriate by the principal will be kept in the office and parents will be advised to pick them up.  An inspection of student backpacks or personal carrying cases may be conducted if the principal, superintendent, or assistant superintendent reasonably believes that such an inspection is necessary to prevent, impede, or substantially reduce the risk of (1) an interference with school purposes or an educational function, (2) a physical injury or illness to any person, (3) damage to personal or school property, or (4) a violation of state law or school rules.



Students must not chew gum in the school building. Candy should not be brought to school.  Parents should check with the classroom teacher before sending any food/treats to school. Any baked goods sent to school should be store-bought, not homemade.  Parents are asked to please comply with our health and wellness policy (healthy snack list).



Parents are encouraged to contact the school any time they want to talk about their child’s school work. They should call in advance so that a meeting can be planned. We cannot call a teacher out of the classroom to take a phone call except for an extreme emergency. The school will schedule parent conferences during the school year, and your attendance is encouraged. Teachers may schedule parent conferences during their preparation time or after school (3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.).  



In as much as field trips are an extension of the classroom, all school rules are to be followed. Students participating in field trips must use school-approved transportation.  Sometimes parents, guardians or other adults are asked to accompany classes on field trips.  The purpose of the chaperones is to assist the classroom teacher in supervising the class.  Any chaperone used must first have a background check.  Chaperones must be alert and vigilant in their duties while supervising students.  Chaperones may not bring additional children or extra persons with them.  Chaperones must adhere to school rules and are not allowed to smoke or use tobacco in any way while acting as a chaperone.  Chaperones do not have the authority to discipline students or act as the teacher in disciplinary issues.  Chaperones may not use their cell phone or text while supervising students unless it is deemed necessary. Chaperones may not take pictures of students unless under the supervision of school personnel.



Please inform the school in advance if you anticipate a move to another school. This will ensure that the proper transfer forms and report cards will be ready on the day the student leaves.  It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to keep school records up to date in regard to the address of the home and current working phone numbers.



Unidentified articles found in the school are turned in to the office. Please check if an article is lost. Eyeglasses and jewelry are not routinely placed with the other articles, so please inquire.

It would be most helpful if raincoats, jackets, rubber boots, mittens - any clothing items that will be removed during the day - are labeled. It has been our experience in the past that items of this nature tend to be forgotten or mislaid, and we would like to be able to identify the apparel for a particular child.



Children's feelings are easily hurt! Please DO NOT pass out party invitations at school unless the whole class will be receiving one.



The State of Indiana does not require school corporations to provide transportation for any student. This fact is contrary to the understanding of many patrons who regard transportation of their children as a right rather than a privilege.

The Board of Education of Washington Community Schools, Inc., provides transportation for certain students as an aid to education. The board intends transportation to be provided in the safest and most efficient manner. However, the safety of those students transported is not the sole responsibility of the board, but requires the cooperation of the administration, drivers, parents and students.

Each bus driver must obey all rules and regulations of the State of Indiana and shall use every care for the safety of the children under driver's charge. Each driver must maintain discipline in a firm and impartial manner.

Each parent has the responsibility to the authority of the bus driver and to encourage the proper behavior of their child.

Discipline problems should be discussed among the respective parties before the problems become critical.

Each student has the responsibility to act in a quiet and orderly manner, to obey the rules formulated for safety, hereunto appended, and to extend to the bus drivers the respect due to them as employees of Washington Community Schools.

Upon the recommendation of the bus driver, the school administration may deny the privileges of riding on the school bus to any student who refuses to obey the rules of proper conduct.

Students who attend Washington UPPER ELEMENTARY are not allowed to walk from that building to the high school or junior high area without principal permission.



According to IC 9-21-11-12 students under 15 years of age may not operate motorized bicycles (mopeds). Therefore, students may not travel to and from school by this means of transportation.

School buses are by far the safest form of transportation on our roads, according to the national statistics. We all want that fact to remain true for our school corporation, and it will as long as we keep a four-way partnership among drivers, students, parents and administrators.

Our drivers are expected to make safe transportation of your children their first priority. Once in a while, a child will misbehave on a school bus to the point that it is distracting to the driver. Prompt action is necessary to stop such behavior and sometimes we will have to ask for your help. If the misbehavior persists, the driver may have to deny transportation for a few days. We regret the inconvenience to parents this action causes, but it is our last resort.

To help clarify the types of behavior that tend to lead to safe transportation, a committee of administrators, bus drivers, parents and students developed the following school board approved guidelines.

No set of guidelines can cover all incidents that arise. These statements clearly suggest, however, that firmness, fairness, and cooperation among all parties will lead to resolution of problems.

Fortunately, nearly all of the 1,100 students who ride buses twice each day do so happily and without incident. That is the way we want it for all riders.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact your driver or  Director of Transportation, at 254-5536.



Bus drivers shall have authority over all students while they are on the bus.

1. The student shall be waiting at his/her boarding station when the bus arrives.

2. Students shall enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.

3. Students shall be seated immediately on boarding and remain seated during the trip.

4. Students shall not eat or drink on the bus.

5. No windows or doors shall be opened without the driver’s permission.

6. Aisles shall be clear at all times.

7. Loud, boisterous or profane language, or indecent conduct will not be tolerated.

8. No smoking or use of fire shall be allowed on the bus.

9. Students shall not be allowed to tease, flip, scuffle, trip or hit another student.

10. Students shall not throw objects while on the bus.



1. Stay quietly in your seat.

2. Save snacks and homework for later.

3. Put books, notebooks and backpacks on your lap or place them so they will not slide or fall.

4. Keep your arms and legs out of the aisles.

5. Act as you would in a classroom.

6. Do not talk to the driver except in emergencies.

7. Do not talk at all when the bus is near a railroad crossing.

8. Think of your school bus as a classroom and your driver as a teacher.

9. Line up in an orderly manner to get on or off the bus. Watch the steps and use the handrail.

10. Elementary students shall remain on their assigned school bus at the high school unless other arrangements have been made.



Responsibility of the school nurse

The WCS registered nurse is a healthcare professional who will communicate with and act as consultants for the staff, family, and students. The nurse will provide instruction and support to the family. 

Responsibility of the School

  1. Any student within the school corporation suspected of having head lice may be examined.

  2. Any sibling or close contact with the student who is within the school corporation may be examined.

  3. Confidentiality will be maintained.

  4. An individual will be sent home upon evidence of living lice.

  5. Instruction in treatment will be provided to caregiver for any student sent home. An FDA or health department approved product must be used.

  6. When the individual returns to school after a substantiated case of head lice, and proper treatment has been given, he or she will be examined by school nurse or school designee.



All lockers/desks made available for student use on the school premises (including lockers located in the physical education and athletic dressing rooms) are the property of the Washington Community School Corporation.  These lockers/desks are made available for student use in storing school supplies and personal items necessary for use at school; but the lockers are not to be used to store items which cause, or can reasonably be foreseen to cause an interference with school purposes or an educational function or which are forbidden by state law or school rules. 

The student’s use of the locker/desk does not diminish the school corporation’s ownership or control of the locker.  The school corporation retains the right to inspect the locker and its contents to insure that the locker/desk is being used in accordance with its intended purpose, and to eliminate fire or other hazards, maintain sanitary conditions, attempt to locate lost or stolen material, and to prevent use of the locker/desk to store prohibited or dangerous material such as weapons, illegal drugs, or alcohol.

Lockers/desks are not to be used to store any items that should not be in the possession of the student.  This includes, but is not limited to, drugs, alcohol, unreturned school equipment, stolen items, obscene material, or tobacco products including matches or lighters.

The school corporation retains the right to inspect lockers/desks to insure that they are being properly maintained.  All inspections of student’s lockers/desks shall be conducted by the principal or a member of the administrative staff designated by the principal.

The inspection of a particular student’s locker/desk will not be conducted unless the principal or his designee has a reasonable suspicion to believe that the locker to be inspected contains items which cause, or can reasonably be foreseen to cause an interference with school purposes or an educational function, or which are forbidden by state law or school rules. 

An inspection of all lockers/desks in the school, or all lockers/desks in a particular area of the school, may be conducted if the principal or superintendent reasonably believes that such an inspection is necessary to prevent, impede, or substantially reduce the risk of (1) an interference with school purposes or an educational function, (2) a physical injury or illness to any person,  (3) damage to personal or school property, or  (4) a violation of state law or school rules.  Students will not necessarily be given the opportunity to be present while a general inspection is being conducted.

If the principal or superintendent has a reasonable suspicion that a locker/desk or lockers/desks contain illegal drugs, illegal paraphernalia, weapons, a bomb, explosive chemicals, or stolen property, he may request law enforcement assistance in making an inspection of a locker or lockers.  If a law enforcement official requests to inspect a student’s locker or its contents, a search warrant must be produced before allowing such official to inspect.  The principal shall deny any requests from law enforcement officials to search a locker/desk unless the officials give rise to a reasonable suspicion that a locker/desk or lockers/desks contain contraband.

Nothing in this policy shall affect members of the custodial staff, who, at the direction of the principal, cleans out (1) lockers/desks from time to time in accordance with a general housekeeping schedule, or (2) the locker/desk of the student no longer enrolled in the school.  Further, the custodial staff may open a student’s locker/desk during any vacation period if they have reason to believe such a locker/desk contains rotting, spoiling, or mildewing items such as food, wet clothes, etc.

Students or their possessions may be searched by the principal or his/her designee when it is thought the student may possess items which would interfere with the safety of the school or items which may violate state law. Searches will be conducted with student safety in mind.



Recognizing that the behavior of some students may be so disruptive that it interferes with school purposes or educational functions of the school corporation, school officials may find it necessary to remove a student from the school. In this event and in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 20-8.15.1, the Board of School Trustees authorizes administrators and staff members to take the following actions:

1. Teachers are responsible for and in charge of the discipline policies within their classrooms. They also exercise responsibility for discipline at all times while they are on duty on school property...


A school principal (or designee) may deny a student the right to attend school or take part in any school function for a period of up to five (5) days.

3. EXPULSION: In accordance with the due process procedures defined in this policy, a student may be expelled from school for a period no longer than the remainder of the current semester plus the following semester, with the exception of a violation of Rule 13 listed under the grounds for suspension and expulsion in this policy.



Grounds for suspension or expulsion are student misconduct or substantial disobedience. The following include examples of student misconduct or substantial grounds for disobedience, but are not limited to:

1. Using violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, bullying, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or other comparable conduct constitutes an interference with school purposes, or urging other students to engage in such conduct. The following enumeration is only illustrative and not limited to the type of conduct prohibited by this subdivision:

a. Occupying any school building, school grounds, or part thereof with intent to deprive another of its use.

b. Blocking the entrance or exits of any school building or corridor or room therein with intent to deprive others of lawful access to or from, or use of, the building, corridor, or room.

c. Setting fire to or damaging any school building or property.

d. Prevention of or attempting to prevent by physical act the convening or continued functioning of any school or educational function, or any meeting or assembly on school property.

e. Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the ability of any teacher, or any of the other school personnel to conduct the educational function under this supervision.

f. Bullying and/or harassment of another student is viewed as a serious offense and will be dealt with as serious, negative behavior. Indiana Code 20-33-8 defines bullying as “overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications transmitted; physical acts committed; or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate or harm the other student.”  The bullying rule must apply “when a student is on school grounds, immediately before or during school hours, immediately after school hours or at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; off school grounds at a school activity, function, or property or equipment provided by the school.”

2. Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property, stealing or attempting to steal school property.

3. Causing or attempting to cause damage to private property, stealing or attempting to steal private property.

4. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury, or intentionally behaving in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to any person. Self-defense or reasonable action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect some other person does not, however, constitute a violation of this position.

5. Threatening or intimidating any student for the purpose of, or with the intent of, obtaining money or anything of value from the student.

6. Knowingly possessing, handling, or transmitting a knife or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon.

7. Knowingly possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a physician is not a violation of this subdivision.

8. Engaging in the unlawful selling of a controlled substance or engaging in a criminal law violation that constitutes a danger to other students or constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

9. Failing in a substantial number of instances to comply with directions of teachers or other school personnel during any period of time when the student is properly under their supervision, where the failure constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

10. Engaging in any activity forbidden by the laws of Indiana that constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function.

11. Violating or repeatedly violating any rules that are reasonably necessary in carrying out school purposes or an educational function and are validly adopted in accordance with Indiana law, including, but not limited to:

a. engaging in sexual behavior on school property;

b. disobedience of administrative authority;

c. willful absence or tardiness of students;

d. knowingly possessing, using, transmitting any substance which is represented to be or looks like a narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, stimulant, depressant, or intoxicant of any kind; and

e. possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of caffeine based substances, substances containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA), or stimulants of any kind, be they available with or without a prescription.

12. Knowingly possessing or using on school grounds during school hours an electronic paging device or hand-held portable telephone in a situation not related to a school purpose or educational function.


a. No student shall possess, handle or transmit any firearm on school property in or on property that is being used by a school for a school function, or on a school bus.

b. The penalty for possession of a firearm is: five (5) days suspension and expulsion from school for one calendar year. The length of the expulsion may be reduced by the superintendent if the circumstances warrant such reduction.

c. The superintendent shall notify the county prosecuting attorney’s office when a student is expelled under this rule.

14. SMOKING - For purposes of this policy, use of tobacco shall mean all uses of tobacco, including cigar, cigarette, pipe, snuff, or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco, as well as electronic, "vapor," or other substitute forms of cigarettes.

In order to protect students who choose to use tobacco from an environment that might be harmful to them, the Board prohibits the use and/or possession of tobacco by students at all times within any facility owned or leased or contracted for by the Board. The Board also prohibits the use and/or possession of tobacco anywhere on the campus of any facility owned or leased or contracted for by the Board, including, but not limited to, practice fields, playgrounds, football fields, baseball fields, softball fields, pool areas, soccer fields, tennis courts, and all open areas and will remain in effect at all times. Furthermore, the Board prohibits the use and/or possession of tobacco in all vehicles owned or operated by the Board, including, but not limited to, school buses, special purpose buses, vans, trucks, and cars.

The administration of each school building will take appropriate action in cases involving students who use and/or possess tobacco in violation of this policy.

In addition to the grounds listed above, a student may be suspended or expelled for engaging in unlawful activity on or off school grounds if the unlawful activity may reasonably be considered to be an interference with school purposes or an educational function, or the student's removal is necessary to restore order or protect persons on school property. This includes any unlawful activity meeting the above criteria which takes place during weekends, holidays, other school breaks, and the summer period when a student may not be attending classes or other school functions.

Students found guilty of the preceding violations will be subject to the following penalties (depending upon the seriousness of the violations in question and the total discipline record of the student for the school year):

a. Detention (after school or noon)

b. One to five days suspension (in-school or out-of-school)

c. Expulsion from school for the remainder of the semester or the school year.

In addition to the above listed penalties, a situation involving a student found to be in violation of section 11d or 11e will be handled in the following manner:

1. Police will be called to transport the student to the police station;

2. Parents will be notified by the school officials to report to the police station;

3. School officials will suspend the student and recommend expulsion for the remainder of the current semester and the next full semester with a review of the case between semesters; and

4. Prosecutors will be notified and may file applicable charges.

Each incident will be investigated by school officials and appropriate action taken based on the evidence found.

In all cases, a hearing will be held by the principal or assistant principal prior to any suspension. A letter will be sent to the parents notifying them of corporal punishment, in-school suspension, or expulsion. A parent conference may be required before the student returns to class, and juvenile authorities will be contacted if necessary.



1. Consistently not doing assigned work

2. Consistently not bringing supplies to class

3. Consistently making no effort as far as classroom participation is concerned

4. Consistently chewing gum or eating candy or food in class

5. Being late for class

6. Consistently talking without permission

7. Cheating on tests or assignments

8. Disrupting school or school events


Students found guilty of the preceding violations will be subject to the following penalties (depending upon the seriousness of the violations in question and the total discipline record of the student for the school year):

1. Severe punishment and parents contacted

2. Detention (after school or noon)

3. One to five days suspension (in school or out of school)



When a principal (or designee) determines that a student should be suspended, the following procedures will be followed:

1. A meeting will be held prior to the suspension of any student. At this meeting the student will be entitled to:

a. a written or oral statement of the charges;

b. if the student denies the charges, a summary of the evidence against the student will be presented; and

c. the student will be provided an opportunity to explain his/her conduct.

2. The meeting shall precede suspension of the student except where the nature of the misconduct requires immediate removal. In such situations, the meeting will follow the date of the suspension.

3. Following the suspension, the parents or guardians of the suspended student will be notified in writing. The notification will include the dates of the suspension, describe the student's misconduct, and the action taken by the principal.




For students with disabilities, a temporary cessation of educational or related services constitutes a suspension. Before a student can be suspended, the student must be afforded an informal hearing, wherein the student is entitled to a written or oral statement of the charges against him/her; if requested, a summary of the evidence against him/her; and an opportunity to explain his/her conduct. This informal hearing shall precede the suspension of a student unless the nature of the misconduct requires removal of the student. For students with disabilities, suspensions shall not exceed five (5) consecutive instructional days or ten (10) cumulative instructional days in a school year.



When a principal (or designee) recommends to the superintendent (or designee) that a student be expelled from school, the following procedures will be followed:

1. The superintendent (or designee) may conduct an expulsion meeting, or may appoint one of the following persons to conduct the expulsion meeting:

a. legal counsel

b. a member of the administrative staff who did not expel the student during the current school year and was not involved in the events giving rise to the expulsion.

2. An expulsion will not take place until the student and the student's parent are given notice of their right to appear at an expulsion meeting conducted by the superintendent or the person designated above. Failure by a student or a student's parent to appear at this meeting will be deemed a waiver of rights administratively to contest the expulsion or to appeal it to the school board.

3. The notice of the right to an expulsion meeting will be in writing, delivered by certified mail or by personal delivery, and contain the reasons for the expulsion and the procedure for requesting the meeting.

4. At the expulsion meeting, the principal (or designee), will present evidence to support the charges against the student. The student or parent will have the opportunity to answer the charges against the student, and to present evidence to support the student's position.

5. If an expulsion meeting is held, the person conducting the expulsion meeting will make a written summary of the evidence heard at the meeting, take any action found to be appropriate, and give notice of the action taken to the student and the student’s parent.



Before a student can be expelled from school, the student and the student’s parent shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing before an appointed hearing examiner. For a student with disabilities, the hearing must be preceded by a case conference committee meeting. At such meetings, the case conference committee shall review the student's behavior and determine whether the behavior is caused by, or is a manifestation of, the student’s disability. If the committee determines there is such a causal relationship between the student’s behavior and the student’s disability, the student may not be expelled. If, however, the committee determines there is no causal relationship between the student's behavior and the student's disability, the expulsion hearing may be initiated. In the event of the expulsion of a student with disabilities, educational and related services shall not cease. The case conference committee shall determine the educational services that will be provided during the expulsion period. The student or parent has the right to appeal the decision of the person conducting the expulsion meeting to the school board within 10 days of the receipt of notice of the action taken. The student or parent's appeal to the school board must be in writing. If an appeal is properly made, the board must consider the appeal unless the Board votes not to hear the appeal. If the board hears the appeal, it will consider the written summary of the expulsion meeting and the arguments of the school administration and the student and/or the student's parent. The board will then take any action deemed appropriate.

LEGAL REFERENCE: 20 U.S.C. 8001  20 U.S.C. 8002  I.C. 20-8. 1-5.1-1 et seq.



Advances in telecommunications and other related technologies have fundamentally altered the ways in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred in society.  Such changes are driving the need for educators to adapt their means and methods of instruction, and the way they approach student learning, to harness and utilize the vast, diverse and unique resources available on the Internet.  The School Board is pleased to provide Internet services to its students.  The Corporation’s network has a limited educational purpose.  The Corporation’s network has not been established as a public access service or a public forum.  The Corporation has the right to place restrictions on its use to assure that use of the Corporation’s network is in accord with its limited educational purpose.  Student use of the Corporation’s computers, network and Internet services (“Network”) will be governed by this policy and the related administrative guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct.  The due process rights of all users will be respected in the event there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of the Network.  Users have a limited privacy expectation in the content of their personal files and records of their online activity while on the Network.

The Board encourages students to utilize the Internet in order to promote educational excellence in our schools by providing them with the opportunity to develop the resource sharing, innovation, and communication skills and tools that are essential to both life and work.  The instructional use of the Internet will be guided by the Corporation’s policy on instructional materials.

The Internet is global information and communication network that provides students and staff with access to up-to-date, highly relevant information that will enhance their learning and the education process.  Further, the internet provides students and staff with the opportunity to communicate with other people from throughout the world.  Access to such an incredible quantity of information and resources brings with it, however, certain unique challenges and responsibilities.

First, and foremost, the Corporation may not be able to technologically limit access to services through the Corporation’s Internet connection to only those that have been authorized for the purpose of instruction, study and research related to the curriculum.  Unlike in the past when educators and community members had the opportunity to review and screen materials to assess their appropriateness for supporting and enriching the curriculum according to adopted guidelines and reasonable selection criteria (taking into account the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of the students who would be exposed to them), access to the Internet, because it serves as a gateway to any publicly available server in the world, will open classrooms and students to electronic information resources which have not been screened by educators for use by students of various ages.

The Corporation has implemented the use of technology protection measures which are specific technologies that will protect against (e.g. filter or block) access to visual displays/depictions that are obscene, child pornography and materials that are harmful to minors, as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act.  At the discretion of the Corporation or the Superintendent, the technology protection measures may be configured to protect against access to other material considered inappropriate for students to access.  The technology protection measures may not be disabled at any time that students may be using the Network (If such disabling will cease to protect against access to materials that are prohibited under the Children’s Internet Protection Act)...  Any student who attempts to disable the technology protection measures will be subject to discipline.

The Superintendent or building administrator may temporarily or permanently unblock access to sites containing appropriate material, if access to such sites has been inappropriately blocked by the technology protection measures.  The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate shall be based on content of the material and the intended use of the material, not on the protection actions of the technology protection measures.  Should student or staff members feel that a site has been inappropriately blocked, they must notify their building administrator who will then review the site and make determination in the appropriateness of the block

The Corporation utilizes software and/or hardware to monitor online activity of students to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors.  Nevertheless, parents/guardians are advised that a determined user may be able to gain access to services on the Internet that the Corporation has not authorized for educational purposes.  In fact, it is impossible to guarantee students will not gain access through the Internet to information and communications that they and/or their parents/guardians may find inappropriate, offensive, objectionable or controversial.  Parents/Guardians assume risks by consenting to allow their child to participate in the use of the Internet.  Parents/Guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using the Internet.  The Board supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether to apply for independent student access to the Internet.

Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following:

  1. Safety and security while using E-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications.

  2. The dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information

  3. The consequences of unauthorized access (e.g. “hacking”). Cyber bullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students 

  4. Online; and unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors.

Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security as specified above.  Furthermore, staff members will monitor online activities of students while in school.

Monitoring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, visual observations of online activities during class sessions; or use of specific monitoring tools to review browser history and network, server, and computer logs.

Building principals are responsible for providing training so that Internet users under their supervision are knowledgeable about this policy and its accompanying guidelines.  The Board expects that staff members will provide guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of the Internet.  All Internet users (and their parents if they are minors) are required to consent to a written agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and its accompanying guidelines.

Students and staff members are responsible for good behavior on the Corporation’s computers/network and Internet just as they are in classrooms, school hallways, and other school premises and school sponsored events.  Communications on the Internet are often public in nature.  General school rules for behavior and communication apply.  The Corporation does not sanction the use of the Internet that is not authorized by or conducted strictly in compliance with this policy and its accompanying guidelines.

Students shall not access social media for personal use from the Corporation’s network, but shall be permitted to access social media for educational use in accordance with their teacher’s approved plan for such use.

Users who disregard this policy and its accompanying guidelines may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, and disciplinary action taken against them.  Users granted access to the Internet through the Board’s computers assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of the Internet not authorized by this Board policy and its accompanying guidelines.

The Board designates the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and building administrators as the administrator responsible for initiating, implementing, and enforcing this policy and its accompanying guidelines as they apply to students’ use of the Network.


Students are provided an assigned device in their classroom. Students are responsible for any device they use including their assigned device, loaner devices, and their accessories.  Students may be charged for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices and their associated accessories.


All students are expected to participate in eLearning days used for lost instructional days due to inclement weather and|or planned PD days

  • Parents|Students will be notified through School Messenger, TV|Radio (inclement weather), and via WCS website of eLearning days.  For pre-planned eLearning days, teachers will communicate information to their students as well.

  • Students must show proof of participation on eLearning days by satisfactorily completing eLearning day assignments within two school days following the eLearning day

    • Students will be counted present if school work is successfully completed on time. If work is not turned in at the end of the second day the student will receive an unexcused absence for the class periods|day the work is missing. 

    • Teachers are responsible for keeping track of the day each assignment was assigned for record keeping purposes. 

  • eLearning Days will not be used on consecutive days. No more than 3 eLearning Days will be used in a given school year.

  • The number of eLearning days may be extended to maintain instruction based upon guidance/directives from local, state, or federal authorities



If you do not want your child to have access to the school-provided Internet services, you must notify the principal of the building where your child is enrolled in writing as soon as possible after the school year starts. This written notification will keep your child from having approved direct access to the Internet. However, this does not preclude a teacher from giving class presentations using the Internet or your child observing other students using the Internet. In the absence of the written request, your child will be provided with supervised access like the rest of the students.

Notice: This policy and all its provisions are subordinate to local, state, and federal statutes.



Students shall not bring cellphones to school or school activities unless directed to do so by a parent/guardian with the understanding that the school is not responsible for any damage that might occur. The cell phone shall be turned off upon arrival at school or activity and left off until departure from the school or activity. The cell phone shall be kept out of sight while at school or the activity.  Cell phones are not allowed in restrooms, locker rooms, the office area, or any other areas deemed private by school officials. First offense will result in a warning; second offense will result in confiscation and parent pick-up; third offense will result in parent conference to discuss loss of privilege and/or suspension for defiance.  Electronic devices may be used at the direction of the teacher in the classroom.

While on school grounds, during school hours or at school functions, students are not allowed to record in any form (audio, video, still photography) without prior permission from school personnel.


The School Board is committed to providing a safe, positive, productive, and nurturing educational environment for all of its students.  The Board encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations between members of the school community.  Bullying behavior toward a student whether by other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.  This prohibition includes physical, verbal, and psychological abuse as provided herein.  The board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm or personal degradation.  This policy applies when a student is on school grounds immediately before or during school hours,   Immediately after school hours, or at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event; traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; or, using property or equipment provided by the school.

Bullying as defined in State law means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications transmitted, physical acts committed, or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student.  This type of behavior is a form of harassment, although it need not be based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, marital status, or disability.  It would include, but not be limited to such behaviors as stalking, intimidating, menacing, coercion, name-calling, taunting, making threats, and hazing.  

Any student who believes s/he has been or is currently the victim of bullying should immediately report the situation to the building principal or the Superintendent. The student may also report concerns to a teacher or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator or Board official.  Anonymous reporting can be made at a collection point established in the building.



It is the policy of the Washington School Corporation to maintain an education and work environment which is free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. This commitment applies to all School Corporation operations, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school property, or at another location if such conduct occurs during an activity sponsored by the school corporation.

Then Washington School Corporation will vigorously enforce its prohibition against harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other unlawful basis, and encourages those within the School Corporation community as well as third parties who feel aggrieved to seek assistance to rectify the problems. Administration will investigate all allegations of harassment and in those cases where unlawful harassment is substantiated; there will be immediate steps taken to end the harassment. Individuals who are found to have engaged in unlawful harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

For purposes of this policy, "School Corporation community" means students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel, including Board members, agents, volunteers, contractors, or other persons subject to the control and supervision of the Board.

For purposes of this policy, "third parties" include, but are not limited to, guests and/or visitors on School Corporation property (e.g., visiting speakers, participants on opposing athletic teams, parents), vendors doing business with, or seeking to do business with, the Board, and other individuals who come in contact with members of the School Corporation community at school-related events/activities (whether on or off School Corporation property).  Policy 1662

The following person is designated as the Corporation’s Compliance Officer and, as such, shall handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies of the Corporation and address any complaint of discrimination:

Steve Peterson
Assistant Superintendent
Washington Community Schools
301 E. South Street
Washington, IN 47501



The School Board prohibits students, staff and visitors from possessing, storing (including storing in a personal vehicle), making or using a weapon in any setting that is under the control and supervision of the Corporation for the purpose of school activities approved and authorized by the Corporation including, but not limited to, property leased, owned, or contracted for by the Corporation, a school-sponsored event, or in a Corporation vehicle.

The term “weapon” means any object which, in the manner in which it is used, is intended to be used or is represented, is capable of inflicting serious bodily harm or property damage, as well as endangering the health and safety of persons.  Weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, tasers, handguns, stun guns, guns of any type, including air and gas-powered guns (whether loaded or unloaded), knives, razors, clubs, electric weapons, chemical weapons,  metallic knuckles, martial arts weapons, ammunition, and destructive devices (bomb, incendiary, grenade, Molotov cocktail, rocket with a propellant charge of more than four (4) ounces, etc.), .

Any student who has reason to believe that a person has or will violate this guideline shall report to the school principal or the supervisor of the activity immediately.  The report should include as much detail as possible concerning the person(s) involved, the weapon, the location of the person(s), and how this information was obtained.

The Superintendent will refer any student who violates this policy to the student’s parents or guardians and to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the property where the offense occurs.  The student may also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

No student is to confront the person possessing the weapon, but a staff member has the option of confronting the person if the staff member believes the risk of injury to self or others is minimal or if immediate action is necessary to prevent injury to any person.

A principal or activity supervisor receiving a report of weapons possession shall have the option of conducting a search for the weapon in accordance with AG 5771, Search and Seizure, or contracting the Washington City Police Department for assistance.

Any interaction with the person should have as its primary objective the safety and welfare of people in the area rather than the obtaining possession of the weapon.

I.C. 20-33-8-16

20 U.S.C. 7151


The Washington Community School Corporation is committed to ensuring the safety of all students and staff and recognizes the rights of students to receive an education.  Because the presence of gangs and gang-related activities can cause a substantial disruption of or material interference with the learning process and other  school activities by arousing fear, alarm, resentment, anger, hostility or violence, thereby  creating an intimidating, threatening or distracting school  environment, Washington Community Schools will use the following guidelines.

Prohibited Activity:

  1. No student on school property or at any school sponsored activity shall wear possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, medallions, or other jewelry, insignia, emblem, badge, patch, symbol, sign, tattoo(whether permanent or temporary)scar or mark, or  other elements which identify a gang or which are evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang.

  2. No student, on school property or at any school sponsored activity, shall engage in conduct, whether verbal or nonverbal (i.e., gestures, hand signals, handshakes, etc.) showing membership or affiliation in a gang when such conduct or speech is intended to cause disruption, or when one knows or has reason to believe that such conduct arouses, fear, alarm, resentment, anger, hostility, or violence.

3. No student, on school property or at any school sponsored activity, shall commit any act or omission which is disruptive, intimidating, or threatening, including but not limited to, the following gang-related activities:

a) Soliciting membership in, or affiliation with, any gang.

b)  Soliciting any person to pay for protection or threatening any person, explicitly or  implicitly, with any other illegal or prohibited act.

c) Painting, writing, tattooing or otherwise inscribing gang-related graffiti, messages, symbols, or signs, on school property or personal property of others during school sponsored activities.

d)  Engaging in violence, extortion, or any illegal act or other violation of school policy.

e) Soliciting any person to engage in physical violence against any student or school employee or visitor (whether during school or school sponsored activity or on the way to or from a school sponsored activity) or inciting others to act with physical violence.

f) Copying or distributing any gang related material on school property or at school sponsored activities.

g) Marching, congregating, massing together with the intent to disrupt, intimidate, or when one has reason to believe that such conduct will arouse fear, alarm, resentment, anger, hostility or violence.

4.  Any student, while on school property, or at a school sponsored activity, who is found to be recruiting another student for gang membership, or who is found to be threatening, insulting, or intimidating another student into joining a gang or preventing another student from getting out of a gang, shall be immediately suspended and/or recommended for expulsion from school.  The Washington Police Department will be notified of the specific gang activity.

5.  Any person who is involved in a gang-related attack, or who threatens a gang-related attack, on a student or school employee on school property, or at a school sponsored activity, shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion from school.  The parents and students will be held liable for damages and repair costs to buildings and school property which result from the actions of the student who was involved in gang activity.  The Washington Police Department and/or Daviess County Sheriff's Office will be notified of the specific gang activity.



The Board designates as student "directory information": a student's name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; e-mail address; photograph; major field of study; grade level; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; type of diploma awarded; awards received; honor rolls; scholarships.

The Board designates school-assigned email accounts as "directory information" for the limited purpose of facilitating students' registration for access to various online educational services, including mobile applications/apps that will be utilized by the student for educational purposes. School assigned email accounts shall not be released as directory information beyond this limited purpose and to any person or entity but the specific online educational service provider.

Directory information shall not be provided to any organization for profit-making purposes. The Superintendent may allow access to a school campus or give students' directory information to organizations that make students aware of educational or occupational options.

In accordance with Federal law, the Board shall comply with FERPA when releasing students' information to a recruiting officer for any branch of the United States Armed Forces or an institution of higher education who requests such information.

Parents and eligible students may refuse to allow the Corporation to disclose any or all of such "directory information" upon written notification to the Corporation within three (3) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s annual public notice.

Whenever consent of the parent(s)/eligible student is required for the inspection and/or release of a student's health or education records or for the release of directory information, either parent may provide such consent unless specifically stated otherwise by court order.

The Corporation may disclose "directory information" on former students without consent of the parent(s)/eligible student unless the parent or eligible student previously submitted a request that such information not be disclosed without their prior written consent.



Students may be able to participate in the following Extra Curricular Activities at the Washington UPPER ELEMENTARY building during an intramural season or possibly  in a clinic setting.  Boys and Girls Basketball, Girl’s Volleyball, Archery, Just Say No, Spell Bowl, Math Bowl, Robotics Club, Student Council, Track, Cross Country, Wrestling, Golf, Tennis.  In order to participate, students must be in good academic standing as well as meet acceptable behavior standards as determined by the principal.

With the exception of 1-6 below, a student must be in attendance at the afternoon classes in order to be eligible to participate in or at an extracurricular activity that day:

  1. Approved medical appointment.  

  2. In this case the athlete must present a signed statement from the doctor.

  3. Attendance at school sponsored activity.

  4. Participation in any activity which is excused by law.

  5. Family emergency.

  6. Other situations which may be excused by the office.



Students who return to school with stitches or who require the temporary use of assistive devices such as crutches, casts (including air walking boots), walkers, wheelchairs, etc. must have a doctor’s note which includes the following essential information provided on official office letterhead or office notepad providing essential contact information:  

  • Date of visit

  • diagnosis

  • List of restrictions (PE, sports, recess, weight-bearing activities, etc…)

  • Date of restrictions

  • doctor/provider’s signature or official signature stamp

Students arriving at school with stitches, casts, crutches, etc. without an official medical note will not be permitted to participate in physical education, outdoor activities, or any physical activity of any kind until an official doctor’s note can be obtained (see list above).  

Any student who is exempt from physical education for medical reasons will not be permitted to participate in outdoor recess activities as well.  There is a chance of re-injury while walking to/from the school yard as well as re-injury while in the school yard, thus prolonging the student’s healing and recuperation period.  In consultation with the school nurse, the school administrator may determine that it is appropriate for a student to go outside during recess to sit in a designated location based upon the medical diagnosis, weather conditions, behavior, and/or any other circumstances deemed relevant.   Please note, this exemption is solely based on a school personnel determination and is not part of a medical staff diagnosis or list of restrictions/exemptions.  

Any student who is exempt from physical education for medical reasons will not be permitted to participate in any school sponsored sports during the same time period.


All fund raising projects are to be approved by the Administration and the Board of Education. No private sales are to be made. Any merchandise or items not approved for sale will be subject to confiscation. Only school sponsored sales projects will be approved.


The School Board shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. The administration of prescribed medication and/or medically-prescribed treatments to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to do so would jeopardize the health of the student, the student would not be able to attend school if the medication or treatment were not made available during school hours, or the child is disabled and requires medication to benefit from his/her educational program.

For purposes of this policy, "medication" shall include all medicines including those prescribed by a physician and any non-prescribed (over-the-counter) drugs, preparations, and/or remedies. Only FDA approved medications will be administered.  "Treatment" refers both to the manner in which a medication is administered and to health-care procedures which require special training, such as catheterization or intravenous or intramuscular injection.

Before any prescribed medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written prescription from the child's physician accompanied by the written authorization of the parent. This document shall be kept on file in the office of the principal, and made available to the persons authorized to administer medication or treatment. The prescription must be in its original container, labeled with the student’s name and the exact dosage. At no time is the school to administer a dosage other than that authorized by the physician’s prescription.  No medication should be transported by the student (nor on the bus).

Before any non-prescribed medication or treatment may be administered, the Board shall require the prior written consent of the parent. These documents shall be kept in the office of the principal.  No student is allowed to provide or sell any type of over-the-counter medication to another student.

Medication that is possessed by a school for administration during school hours or at school functions, for students in grades K-8 may be released only to the student's parent or to an individual who is eighteen (18) years of age or older and who has been designated, in writing, by the student's parent to receive the medication.

The school nurse retains the discretion to administer a non-prescribed medication with approved documentation.


The 1987 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) required asbestos inspections of all public and private schools (K-12 grades).To ensure that the identified asbestos containing materials are maintained in a safe condition, AHERA also requires that the asbestos materials be checked every 6 months by trained school personnel and by an IDEM accredited inspector every three years.

The Management Plan for all of the schools in the school corporation is available for your viewing in the Superintendent’s Office.  It may be copied at a nominal fee of 15 cents per page, by notifying the office. 


The Corporation is committed to providing a safe environment for students. It seeks to prevent children from being exposed to pests and pesticides. While pesticides protect children from pests that may be found in the school and its surrounding grounds, under some circumstances they may pose a hazard to children. Therefore, pest control practices may involve a variety of chemical and non- chemical methods that are designed to control pests effectively while minimizing potential pesticide exposure.

The Corporation will:

A. annually inform parents and staff members of the Corporation’s pest control policy at the time of student registration by a separate memorandum or as a provision in the staff and/or student handbook;

B. provide the name and phone number of the person to contact for information regarding pest control;

C. maintain a registry of parents, guardians, and staff members who want to receive advance notice of all pesticide use, and, provide such notice at the start of each school year and during the school year when a student enrolls in or transfers into a school;

The Corporation's notice at the start of each school year shall invite parents, guardians, and staff members to be added to the pesticide notification list, and the Corporation shall permit a person to be added to the registry at any time upon their request.

D. provide notice of planned pesticide applications to parents and employees who have requested advance notice;

E. maintain written/printed/electronic records for two (2) years of any pesticide applications, and make these records available to anyone for inspection and copying upon request.

The Corporation will provide notice to those in the registry at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time the pesticide application is to occur unless an emergency is declared. The notice will include the date and time of the pesticide application, the general area where the pesticide is to be applied and the telephone number to contact for more information. In case of emergency pesticide applications, because of immediate threat to the public health, the school shall give written notice as soon as possible. The Corporation may provide for training of school employees to become certified pest control applicators. Financial support for such training may be provided by the Corporation subject to budgetary constraints of the Corporation.



Indoor Air Quality Coordinators serve as the lead contact point for indoor air quality concerns and can identify IAQ issues and help eliminate their sources before any complaints have been made to the school (or state).  The Washington Community Schools Indoor Air Quality Coordinator is Graham Giesler.  He can be reached at 812-254-5536.


Approved By Washington Community School Board April  2024